Mark went from 21% to 7.6% body fat 
and tripled his total body strength
Book A Consultation Call Below To Discuss Your Gameplan To Get Lean & Defined
How Do Our Clients Get These Results?
Turn the video horizontal at 5:03
When I take on a client to strip off excess fat or build performance ready muscle, I have hundreds, of protocols I can use. If I’m given the challenge of accomplishing both at the same time without compromise - This is the exact solution I reach for.
Phased Adaptation Programming
Built on science and proven with clients. Get lean & defined by implementing these 3 pillars...
1. Nutrition Protocols That Support Your Specific Training Stimulus.
2. Phasing Training To Navigate Around Plateaus & Keep Consistently Progressing.
3. Developing Metabolic Flexibility To Process Body Fat For Fuel and Carbs For Muscle Growth Therefore Leaning Out Whilst Building Muscle Definition
Phase 1
Fat adaptation with an insulin sensitivty focus for the FASTEST healthy fat loss possible!
Movement patterning emphasis for optimal TARGET muscle contractions.
Mechanical  tension focus to overload your Central Nervous System for HUGE strength gains
Phase 2
Carbohydrate cycling to process carbohydrates effectivley. No more CRASHES or SNACK ATTACKS.
Training volume overeach to maximise muscle damage and GROWTH.
Mitochondrial health focus to improve metabolic flexibility. Easily switch between FAT or CARBS for fuel.
Phase 3
Full carbohydrate adaptation for complete food FREEDOM. Eat out with no worries!
Metabolic stress emphasis to maximise capacity building and functional PERFORMANCE.
Testosterone boosting focus to get the lean and defined look and KEEP IT!
This is for you if...
You don’t like what you see in the mirror and get frustrated at the way you've let your body go...
You've previously tried numerous approaches and HAVE NOT gotten the results you want and you want to know why...
 You've gradually gained belly fat and need the accountability and motivation to remain consistent in your workouts and eating habits...
You're not sure what to do in the gym so you can simultaneously lose fat & build muscle...
 You're sick and tired of struggling to get lean and defined and want a program that's guaranteed to get results...
During Your Program You'll Learn...
How to quickly and permanently drop unwanted body weight so you can FEEL GREAT about what you see when you look at yourself in your mirror.
 How to dramatically tone up your body and increase your confidence WITHOUT starving yourself, purchasing any 'special meals' or taking any supplements.
How to avoid the roller coaster ride of losing and gaining weight so that you can finally feel good in the clothes you want to wear.
 Why almost everything you've ever learned or been told about dieting and weight loss is DEAD WRONG.
About Tim
Tim Digan started in the Health & Fitness Industry in 2009 working as a Food & Supplement Scientist. 

He soon transitioned to Personal Training after getting inspired through training with Amir Khan's team. Tim quickly realised his method of using metabolic flexibility for body transformations was not only highly effective but unique to the industry as his calendar became fully booked within the first 3 months.
This is when he started shadowing online coaching experts such as Jonathan Goodman (Online Trainers Academy) and John Berardi (Precision Nutrition) learning how to transition his skills to impact more people with online training. He opened up his own online fitness business in 2017 and grew it to 112 clients in the first year.

He then started helping and consulting with major players in the industry (DNAfit, Rightangled, Xenovida) to help them with their client services and he loves to help people like you with body transformations. 

As well as owning Scientifit Tim consults for several scientific research centres and uses these tools to constantly optimise his clients programs.

+ Certified Personal Trainer
+ Certified Nutrition Coach
+ Certified Elite Level Boxing Coach
+ DNA Profile Interpreter
+ Biomedical Testing Analyst
+ MSc With Distinction In Food Science
+ Experience Transforming 100s of Clients
+ Evidence Based Scientific Approach
+ Experience As A Scientist In The Food &
    Pharmaceutical Industries
IMPORTANT: Not everyone is a good fit for our coaching program and we are not going to mislead you if it's not for you. Most trainers will accept anyone with a credit card...we are very different. We only work with those that we truly believe we can provide a life changing experience for. 
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the process work? Complete the application questions and if your application is successful we'll schedule a call to chat in more detail. I'll suggest a strategy for you and if you're happy, you complete the payment request and I set your profile up in the live coaching system within 24hrs.
Do I need to have gym access or fitness equipment to use the plan? No, because each program is written on a bespoke basis. I will work with whatever fitness equipment you have available to you. 
Do I really need a bespoke program? In my experience nothing comes close to the results from a personalised approach. Clients have come to me from app based programs, online influencer template programs, keto/fasting/paleo...the list goes on! A one-size-fits-all plan is simply not going to get you to your personal goals. 
Why are people choosing online coaches over in person coaches? The cost advantages are undeniable but there are lots of reasons why the online training industry is growing so quickly. The customer is no longer tied to choosing from Personal Trainers in their local gym. You have the choice to work with anyone from around the world and find the person that best suits you. 
Will I still get results even if I don't train with you in the gym? Yes, you will likely get better results! Since transitioning to online training my clients have gotten better long term results. Your results don't come from the 3hrs of training together but the other 165hrs of coaching in the week. We need to make consistent progress with long term lifestlye change so you get your results and keep them. Plus exercise execution is tracked in the app via video so we are constantly tweaking your form.
Do you help me with my medical conditions / injuries? As this is an online service I’m not in a position to diagnose injuries. I would advise that you get in person advice on any injuries before starting your training program. 
Book A Consultation Call Below To Discuss Your Gameplan To Get Lean & Defined
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